Digital PR Services

In the noisy and ever-changing digital landscape, gaining visibility for your business requires a comprehensive strategy that leverages multiple channels. While traditional public relations is still effective in certain contexts, digital PR offers a powerful way for businesses of all types to grow brand awareness, boost their reputations, and connect with their target customers through internet-based tactics.

What is Digital PR?

Traditional PR seeks to promote businesses through print publications, such as newspapers and trade magazines, TV, and radio. Digital PR, on the other hand, utilizes a variety of online channels, including social media, online news sources, blogs, videos, podcasts, social media “influencers,” and more. Major advantages of digital PR include the ability to share news and information about your business more quickly and with a much broader audience, as well as the opportunity to interact directly with your customers.

Depending on the unique needs and goals of your business, a digital PR strategy may enable you to:

  • Improve brand awareness
  • Drive traffic to your website
  • Monitor and shape your brand’s reputation
  • Establish your business as an industry expert
  • Improve your SEO rankings
  • Gain a stronger understanding of and relationship with your target customers
  • Increase leads and ultimately drive sales

At SP Marketing Experts, we will work with you to develop a customized digital PR strategy that complements your marketing efforts and advances your business goals. Our team is adept at using a wide variety of online channels to share your brand’s story with your target audience. For example, our tactics may include the following:

  • Crafting articles and press releases and pitching them to online publications
  • Promoting content that is enriched with keywords and backlinks to your website as a way to boost your SEO rankings and drive potential customers to your site
  • Building relationships with journalists, bloggers, and influencers in order to have trusted sources for sharing information about your business
  • Maintaining a robust social media presence across the platforms that your audience is likely to use
  • And more!

Are you leveraging the right online channels to get your business in front of your target customers? Contact SP Marketing Experts today to launch your digital PR strategy!