Fresh Website Content Equals Better SEO

Why it’s Important to Regularly Publish New Content to your Website and Publishing Tips

From when you first publish your website to every single live update you make, search engines (and your visitors) are evaluating you. After all, your website is a live entity subsiding on the internet - it must be fed fresh content to stay relevant.  Without receiving the nutrition your website requires, search engines will consider your company obsolete and move down your overall ranking.

Our advice, UPDATE YOUR WEBSITE! Search engines will recognize your efforts and love you for it. Simply updating your page titles to stay current with popular search trends will improve your overall ranking and relationship with these search engines. Now just imagine what would happen if you were regularly update your website with pertinent content…

Great things. That is what will happen. You might not understand now, but believe us when we say that updating your website with fresh content will improve your organic search traffic and overall online sales.

First, Understanding Frequent Website Indexing

Have you ever head of Google Crawlers, or Googlebots? These are Google’s web crawlers (yes, other search engines like Bing and Yahoo have their own form of web crawlers too). Web crawlers, in general, are highly-complex digital “robots” that go from website to website collecting information to report back to their search engine. With these reports, search engines are able to index quality content/process the information found to make you searchable.

TIP #1: To increase the quality of your website, evaluate the amount of words on each page and the location of them. For developers, pay close attention to your ALT attributes and title tags. Remember, quality does not mean stuffing pages with keywords and calling it good. Your content needs to be creditable and educational with a few keywords embedded into headings and paragraphs.

When it comes to website indexing, you want your site to be indexed more frequently, not just “more.” Web crawlers will visit your website more frequently if you consistently edit outdated content and publish new, quality information. Thus, improving your searchability and organic ranking.

TIP #2: Create a blog. Publishing a new article every 2 - 3 days will give more indexing material to your search engines and might provide more buzz for your visitors.

(SEO) Optimizing your Content for Crawlers

TIP #3: Incorporate keywords into your headings, descriptions, meta tags and title tags, but don’t overkill.

As mentioned before, you should include keywords in every piece of content you create, but you shouldn’t over-stuff. Search engines, like Google, look at the keywords you use but don’t judge your value solely off of how many times you use them.  Value and rank is determined on the quality of your content.

Let’s look at your latest blog post or the most recent page you have published.  Is it answering a question that web users may be asking? Is it providing instructions to an issue people are trying to solve? Is it providing accurate information for an upcoming event? Are you describing a product that you offer? If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, you’re off to a great start. Now, ask yourself, did you conduct any keyword research? If yes, did you randomly fit those keywords into your content? Or did you replace irrelevant words with the keywords you found/create new sentences with them?

If you didn’t get the hint yet, we’re trying to say: create educational content and add keywords where they naturally fit. Your content needs to have a point, you need to conduct keyword research and you need to place your keywords where they naturally fit.

Pssst. Our favorite SEO tools? Google Trends and Google Adwords Keyword Search.

Gain Authority Status with Fresh Content

Every company strives to be the leader of their industry, and every company strives to be the industry authority for each search engine, too. How to gain the authority title? Publish more quality content. The more content you post will gain more indexed pages, while the more valuable your content is, you will increase your chances of becoming an authority site.

TIP #4: To become an authority leader for your industry, we suggest creating a blog that centers around industry news and updates. When you publish credible news, people will start trusting you and will become loyal users. And with every new update, of course, search engines will be indexing more pages.

Fresh Content = Engaged Audience

Consistently updating your website will not only help your search engine rank, but also your engagement and conversion rates. New visitors will have plenty to explore and frequent users will have a reason to come back if you publish fresh, valuable content every 2 – 3 days. To keep bounce rates low and to increase the average time spent on your site, we recommend adding internal links throughout your pages.

TIP #5: Utilize the RSS feature on your website! Your subscribers can be notified each time you update new content or publish a new blog post with RSS.

Do you see why we encourage adding fresh content to your website on a regular basis? With search engines (and your users), judging you on a daily basis, we want to make sure you’re taking the necessary steps to becoming a better, more searchable site.

Not sure where to start with website SEO or content creation? Talk to the experts at FireDrum. We want to help your business succeed by creating efficient, functional and profitable websites.

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