2024 Holiday Shopping Trends & Insights for Small to Medium-Sized Businesses

As the 2024 holiday season approaches, small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) face a tremendous opportunity to capture consumer attention and boost sales. The 2023 holiday season saw a significant surge in retail sales, surpassing $900 billion, making it clear that consumer holiday spending is more robust than ever. For SMBs, understanding and leveraging key shopping trends can differentiate between a good season and a great one. This guide will explore the trends that will shape the 2024 holiday shopping landscape and how businesses can capitalize on them with the help of services like those offered by SP Marketing Experts.

2024 Holiday Shopping Trends & Insights for Small to Medium-Sized Businesses
Early Holiday Shopping: Why SMBs Should Start Sooner

Early Holiday Shopping: Why SMBs Should Start Sooner

In recent years, the holiday shopping season has started earlier and earlier. In 2023, many consumers began their holiday purchases well before November, and this trend is expected to continue in 2024. Research indicates that by 2026, 30% of consumers may shop for holiday gifts year-round. This shift in consumer behavior underscores the need for SMBs to start their holiday marketing efforts much earlier.

Why Early Engagement Matters for SMBs:

  1. Capture Early Shoppers: Starting your marketing campaigns early allows you to capture consumers who want to get their shopping done ahead of time. These shoppers often begin looking for deals and gift ideas as early as September or October.
  2. Stay Ahead of the Competition: Launching your holiday campaigns before the traditional peak shopping season allows you to stand out from competitors who may wait until November to ramp up their marketing efforts.
  3. Build Customer Loyalty: Engaging with your audience early and consistently throughout the holiday season helps build brand loyalty. Customers who see your brand as a helpful resource for holiday shopping are more likely to return for future purchases.

SP Marketing Experts can help you develop and execute a comprehensive holiday marketing strategy that starts well before the traditional shopping season. With expertise in audience targeting and campaign management, they ensure that your brand is top-of-mind for early shoppers.

The Growing Influence of Streaming TV on Holiday Shopping

Streaming TV has become a dominant force in how consumers spend their leisure time, making it a valuable channel for SMBs to reach their target audiences during the holiday season. As of May 2024, more than 50% of viewers prefer streaming services over traditional cable TV. This shift presents a unique opportunity for businesses to engage with potential customers through targeted streaming TV ads.

Why Streaming TV is Important for SMBs:

  1. Wide Reach: Streaming TV offers a broad reach, allowing you to connect with a diverse audience that includes families, young professionals, and retirees. This platform is especially effective for reaching cord-cutters who no longer watch traditional TV.
  2. Interactive Shopping Experiences: QR codes in streaming TV ads have gained popularity, allowing viewers to interact with ads directly from their screens. In 2023, 47% of shoppers scanned QR codes on TV, and this trend is expected to grow.
  3. Cost-Effective Advertising: Compared to traditional TV advertising, streaming TV offers more cost-effective options, making it accessible for SMBs with limited marketing budgets.

SP Marketing Experts can assist SMBs in integrating streaming TV into their holiday marketing mix. We can help create compelling ads that resonate with viewers, use QR codes to drive traffic to your website, and leverage data to target your ideal audience effectively.

Understanding What Drives Your Holiday Sales

Understanding What Drives Your Holiday Sales

As SMBs navigate the holiday season, understanding what drives sales is crucial for optimizing marketing efforts. Effective attribution, which ties marketing actions to customer purchases, is essential for measuring the success of your campaigns. In 2023, while online shopping continued to grow, a significant portion of holiday sales still occurred in physical stores. This online and offline shopping blend requires SMBs to have a clear attribution strategy.

Why Attribution Matters for SMBs:

  1. Maximize Marketing ROI: By understanding which marketing channels drive the most sales, you can allocate your budget more effectively. This ensures you’re investing in the strategies that deliver the highest return.
  2. Improve Customer Experience: Attribution allows you to see the entire customer journey, from the first interaction with your brand to the final purchase. This insight helps you optimize each touchpoint, providing a seamless shopping experience for your customers.
  3. Refine Your Strategy: Accurate attribution allows you to identify what’s working and what isn’t. This enables you to make data-driven decisions and refine your holiday marketing strategy in real-time.

SP Marketing Experts offers advanced attribution services that help track and measure the effectiveness of their holiday campaigns. They can set up cross-channel tracking, use first-party data to create custom audiences, and continuously analyze performance to ensure your marketing dollars are well spent.

Mobile Shopping: The New Holiday Shopping Frontier

Mobile devices have become the go-to platform for holiday shopping, with 2023 seeing mobile sales surpass desktop sales for the first time. This trend is expected to continue in 2024, making it essential for SMBs to prioritize mobile optimization in their holiday marketing strategies.

Why Mobile Shopping is Critical:

  1. Convenience: Consumers love the convenience of shopping on their mobile devices. Whether they’re browsing products during their commute or making last-minute purchases from their couch, mobile shopping offers unparalleled ease of use.
  2. Social Media Integration: Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok significantly influence holiday shopping. Many consumers discover new products and purchase directly through these platforms, often influenced by ads, influencers, or organic posts.
  3. Increased Engagement: Mobile devices allow for more interactive and personalized shopping experiences. Features like push notifications, mobile-exclusive discounts, and personalized recommendations can significantly increase engagement and drive sales.

SP Marketing Experts specialize in mobile optimization and can help SMBs create a seamless mobile shopping experience. From ensuring your website is mobile-friendly to developing targeted social media campaigns, they provide the tools and expertise needed to capture mobile shoppers during the holiday season.

Leveraging Social Media for Holiday Success

Social media continues to be a powerful tool for SMBs during the holiday season, influencing consumer behavior and driving sales. Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok are not just for brand awareness—they are now direct sales channels that SMBs can use to boost their holiday revenue.

How Social Media Can Benefit Your Business During the Holidays:

  1. Instagram Shopping: Instagram’s visual platform is ideal for showcasing holiday products. Use high-quality images and videos to highlight your best offerings, and take advantage of features like Instagram Shopping to allow customers to purchase directly from your posts.
  2. Facebook Advertising: Facebook’s advanced targeting capabilities make it easier to reach your ideal customers. Whether you’re promoting a special holiday sale or showcasing new products, Facebook ads can be tailored to specific demographics, interests, and behaviors.
  3. TikTok Creativity: TikTok’s short-form video content is perfect for engaging younger audiences. Use creative videos to showcase your products, participate in trending challenges, and encourage user-generated content to build brand awareness and drive sales.

SP Marketing Experts can help SMBs develop and execute a comprehensive social media strategy for the holiday season. Their services include content creation, audience targeting, and campaign management, ensuring your brand stays visible and relevant across all major social media platforms.

Email Marketing: A Key Component of Your Holiday Strategy

Email marketing remains one of the most effective ways for SMBs to reach their customers during the holiday season. With its ability to deliver personalized content directly to consumers' inboxes, email marketing is a powerful tool for driving engagement, building customer relationships, and boosting sales.

Why Email Marketing:

  1. Direct Communication: Email allows you to communicate directly with your customers, delivering targeted messages tailored to their preferences and shopping behaviors. This direct line of communication is invaluable during the holiday season when consumers are bombarded with ads from all directions.
  2. High ROI: Email marketing consistently delivers one of the highest returns on investment (ROI) of any marketing channel. By segmenting your email list and personalizing your messages, you can drive significant sales with minimal cost.
  3. Nurture Customer Relationships: Email marketing is not just about making a sale—it’s about building and nurturing long-term relationships with your customers. You can keep your brand top-of-mind throughout the holiday season and beyond by providing valuable content, exclusive offers, and personalized recommendations.
  4. Trackable Results: One of the biggest advantages of email marketing is its trackability. You can monitor open rates, click-through rates, and conversions in real time, allowing you to adjust your strategy on the fly to maximize effectiveness.
SP Marketing Experts’ 2024 Holiday Email Marketing Guide:

SP Marketing Experts’ 2024 Holiday Email Marketing Guide:

To help businesses maximize their email marketing efforts this holiday season, SP Marketing has developed a comprehensive 2024 Holiday Email Marketing Guide. This guide provides a holiday-sending calendar, essential email acquisition, and engagement tips.

  • Complete Holiday Sending Calendar: The guide includes a detailed calendar that outlines the best times to send your holiday emails, ensuring your messages land in inboxes when customers are most likely to engage.
  • Email Acquisition Tips: Learn how to grow your email list leading up to the holidays with proven strategies for attracting new subscribers. The guide offers practical advice for building a robust email list, from website pop-ups to social media promotions.
  • Engagement Strategies: This guide teaches you how to craft compelling subject lines, create engaging email content, and personalize your messages to maximize open rates and conversions. It also covers segmenting your audience to ensure the right message reaches the right person.

SP Marketing offers tailored email marketing services designed to help SMBs execute successful holiday campaigns. Our team can assist with crafting the perfect email copy, designing eye-catching templates, and managing your email list to ensure your holiday emails stand out in crowded inboxes. We partner with our sister company, FireDrum Email Marketing, a top-rated email marketing platform (ESP), to further enhance your email marketing efforts. FireDrum provides robust tools and features to streamline your email marketing campaigns, ensuring that your messages reach the right audience with maximum impact.

With the combined expertise of SP Marketing and FireDrum, your holiday email campaigns will be both effective and efficient, driving the engagement and sales you need this holiday season.

Data and Analytics: Driving Smarter Holiday Marketing

Data and Analytics: Driving Smarter Holiday Marketing

For SMBs, data and analytics are essential tools for maximizing the effectiveness of holiday marketing campaigns. By leveraging data-driven insights, businesses can make informed decisions that lead to better results and a higher return on investment.

The Importance of Data and Analytics for SMBs:

  1. Customer Insights: Data provides valuable insights into customer behavior, preferences, and purchasing patterns. Understanding these trends allows you to tailor your marketing messages and product offerings to meet the needs of your target audience.
  2. Performance Metrics: Tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and return on ad spend (ROAS) helps you evaluate the success of your campaigns. This information is crucial for optimizing your strategy and maximizing your marketing budget.
  3. Real-Time Adjustments: The holiday season is dynamic, with consumer behavior changing rapidly. Real-time data allows you to adjust your campaigns on the fly, ensuring you can capitalize on emerging trends and avoid potential pitfalls.

SP Marketing provides SMBs with advanced analytics and reporting services that help track and measure campaign performance. They offer real-time insights that allow you to make data-driven decisions and optimize your holiday marketing strategy for maximum impact.

Preparing for the 2024 Holiday Season: An Action Plan for SMBs

The 2024 holiday season promises to be another record-breaking year for retail sales. For SMBs, the key to success lies in early planning, strategic execution, and continuous optimization. To help you prepare for the holiday season, here’s a comprehensive action plan that incorporates the power of email marketing alongside other essential strategies:

  1. Develop a Comprehensive Campaign Plan

Start by outlining your holiday marketing goals, target audiences, content strategy, and performance metrics. A detailed plan will guide your efforts and ensure that all team members are aligned and focused on the same objectives. Make sure to include an email marketing strategy that outlines your sending schedule, content themes, and audience segmentation.

  1. Leverage Data for Targeting

Use data to identify and target the most relevant audiences for your holiday campaigns. Segment your audience based on factors such as demographics, past purchase behavior, and engagement levels. Tailor your messaging to each segment to maximize relevance and impact. With email marketing, use these insights to create highly personalized campaigns that speak directly to your audience’s needs and interests.

  1. Create High-Quality Content

Invest in producing engaging, visually appealing content that resonates with your target audience. Whether it’s visually stunning Instagram posts, engaging TikTok videos, informative emails, or compelling Facebook ads, your content should be designed to capture attention and drive action. Consistent branding across all platforms, including your email campaigns, builds recognition and trust.

  1. Optimize for Mobile

Ensure your website, shopping experience, and email campaigns are optimized for mobile devices. This includes fast load times, easy navigation, and a streamlined checkout process. Mobile-exclusive promotions and push notifications can also drive engagement and sales. Make sure your emails are mobile-friendly with responsive designs and clear calls to action that are easy to tap on smaller screens.

  1. Monitor and Adjust in Real-Time

Keep a close eye on your campaign performance and be ready to make adjustments as needed. Use real-time data to optimize your strategy and ensure you’re getting the best possible results. Regular performance reviews will help you stay agile and responsive to changes in consumer behavior. Track email open rates, click-through rates, and conversions to fine-tune your messaging and timing throughout the holiday season.

  1. Leverage Social Media

Use social media platforms to build awareness, engage with customers, and drive sales. Develop a content calendar that includes a mix of product showcases, user-generated content, holiday-themed posts, and integrated email campaigns. Encourage your social media followers to join your email list for exclusive offers and updates, further enhancing your multi-channel marketing strategy.

  1. Utilize Streaming TV

Consider incorporating streaming TV ads into your holiday marketing mix. With more consumers cutting the cord and turning to streaming services, this channel offers a unique opportunity to reach a highly engaged audience. Use QR codes and interactive elements to drive conversions directly from TV ads, and follow up with targeted email campaigns to reinforce your messaging and offers.

  1. Implement Advanced Attribution

Set up advanced attribution tracking to understand the impact of your marketing efforts across different channels, including email. This will help you allocate your budget more effectively and optimize your strategy for the best possible results. Understanding how your email marketing efforts contribute to overall sales and customer engagement will enable you to make data-driven decisions.

  1. Embrace Email Marketing

Make email marketing a cornerstone of your holiday strategy. Use SP Marketing Experts’ 2024 Holiday Email Marketing Guide to plan your sending schedule, grow your email list, and craft personalized, engaging messages that drive sales. With the powerful tools available from our sister company, FireDrum Email Marketing, you can create and manage campaigns that resonate with your audience and deliver exceptional results.

  1. Partner with SP Marketing Experts

Finally, consider partnering with SP Marketing Experts to take your holiday marketing strategy to the next level. With their expertise in data analytics, campaign management, email marketing, and audience targeting, they can help you navigate the complexities of the holiday season and achieve your business goals. Combined with the advanced capabilities of FireDrum Email Marketing, your holiday campaigns will be well-positioned for success.


Key Takeaways for Small to Medium-Sized Businesses

The 2024 holiday season offers tremendous potential for small to medium-sized businesses. By starting early, leveraging key trends like streaming TV, mobile shopping, and email marketing, and utilizing data-driven insights, SMBs can maximize their impact and drive significant sales. The right planning, execution, and continuous optimization are essential to making the most of this crucial time of year.

By following this action plan and partnering with experts like SP Marketing Experts, along with the powerful platform provided by FireDrum Email Marketing, your business can thrive during the 2024 holiday season, capturing new customers, building brand loyalty, and achieving your revenue goals.